Tuesday 3 March 2015

Printing Hello World In C Using Printf Statement

In this post we will teach you the first program that every new learner of C language should execute.
We will print "Hello World". For this we will use printf statement which is a library function whose definition is in the stdio.h library file. So lets start.


printf("Any Word,letter or phrase");

now lets try a program:


void main(void)
printf("Hello World");

in this program i have used one new library function which is getch(); whose definition is in conio.h
which stands for console input output function. It is used to show output of program in console.


Other Useful information:

printf("hello world how are you");
it will print the whole sentence in one line. if you want to write "how are you" in next line or want to give space equal to 1 tab then you have to use the following escape sequences:

\n (newline)
\t (tab)
\v (vertical tab)
\f (new page)
\b (backspace)
\r (carriage return)

let me try one of them in program:

void main(void)
printf("Hello World \n How Are You");

Note: I have used clrscr(); statement to clear the old output.


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